
Download Free Aurora Solarmovie no login english subtitle Without Paying Full Length

Aurora Solarmovie no login english subtitle Without Paying Full Length




Release Year: 2018 / rating: 6 / 10 Stars / score: 54 vote / countries: Philippines / Writer: Gin De Mesa /


Yes, I enjoyed the movie. But there are some flaws that bothered me. The movie was more of a moving art piece, the shots looked gorgeous and the soundtrack thrilled me but the feeling did not last since the deep bass was played through the whole movie
Here are the problems that hindered the movie (for me. There was not enough character development to really get immersed. Even if the charcters in the movie were facing danger, I didn't feel that they are in such a threat. I did not care about these characters, there was not much scenes in the movie that made me care about them. Another one was the lack of expression Leana (Anne Curtis) had when she encountered the ghosts, I don't if these were intentional or not, but it seems like she knew everything was just her imagination. She just stands there doubting what she is seeing maybe a bit of expression. I think Anne Curtis did the best doing her part as Leana but it didn't work for me
Second, The absolute reason I didn't take the movie as seriously as it should be. Was the reason the boat sank and the main antagonist of the film, a giant. That did not satisfy my needs it felt like it was just forced to be there. The whole movie would be much better without the giant. I found it very goofy when he walks and contradicted the tone of the movie. I get it he is a giant which will hinder him to walk like a normal person. But all of this could be avoided by changing the reason of the crash. A much better option would be sticking to the captain and him intentionally crashing the ship. Maybe his daughter he lost came to him and asked him to crash it. That's all I found other mistakes but these are the only ones worth addressing. I would not recommend these to people who expects a psychological horror. It's a movie for a good scare but would be forgotten an hour or so after you watch the film.



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